Nutrition & Detox Treatments
Ayurvedic lifestyle coaching, nutritional advice and detox plans, combine to create a mind, body and spirit connection. Ayurveda works on the body’s innate wisdom and intelligence, to bring you back to health, happiness and balance.
Health Consultation – Modern Ayurvedic Programmes – your Road MAP to health. Have you felt unwell, seen the doctor and come away feeling as if you are not satisfied, really listened to, or told there is nothing wrong, or it is all in the mind? More often than not, a personalised change in life style, diet or shift in awareness can be the key to make changes and progress to better health, when nothing else seems to be working.
An Ayurvedic approach towards health works well on its own, to treat the underlying cause and symptoms if there is no apparent disease, or alongside western medicines to support and enhance your lifestyle, if an existing health problem is present, giving you options to take control to balance your unique nature or imbalance.
A 60-minute full health consultation will take an in-depth look at your diet, lifestyle and emotions from an Ayurvedic perspective. Through a process of pulse and tongue diagnosis, questioning and touch, we can determine where a problem may lie and see how best to restore health and vitality, talking about any issues that are causing you problems in your life.
Following this, you will be given advice and a simple, bespoke treatment plan, personally suited to you and your lifestyle, which may include nutritional and herbal advice, massage therapies, relaxation techniques and a short cleansing programme, to further help with weight loss, and digestive problems etc.
The main tool Ayurveda can give you is insight into how best to support your health, and deal with stress on a daily basis. This system works alongside any supportive groups or other therapy you maybe be having for addictions or psychotherapy etc, helping you to move forward with a holistic approach to your life.
Personalised 2-3 month programmes are also available to offer long-term support and goals towards health and happiness.
Conditions helped through Ayurveda
- Constipation, bloating, indigestion, gas, acidity, diarrhoea, pain, toxins, etc
- IBS, Candida
- Insomnia, low energy, fatigue, burnout
- Menstrual problems, pain, irregularities, menopausal symptoms
- Food sensitivities, food allergies
- Asthma and allergies including hayfever
- Muscle and joint pain or stiffness, arthritis, back pain, neck pain
- Weight gain or weight loss
- Addictions e.g. sugar, coffee, smoking
- Stress, tension, anxiety, worry, irritability, overactive or over stimulated mind
- Headaches, migraines
- Depression, low self-esteem, general under-the-weather feeling , lack of direction in life and at a transition where you want to make a change.
Time 60-90 mins – please email for more info.
My Being has Changed in a Much More Positive Way
”Following my first consultation with Loretta, I have become much more aware of my lifestyle and the effect the pace of my work, study and socialising has on my mind, body and spirit. Loretta uses her talent, knowledge, instinct and Ayurvedic practice to point out the necessary changes that I have needed to make to my lifestyle and diet. After making a few simple changes/adjustments, I have noticed my being has changed in a much more positive way. I feel happier, more balanced, and more positive and my immune system is much stronger. I have experienced some additional benefits which I did not expect; my skin has got clearer and I have not had an outbreak of eczema or a cold in three months. I would highly recommend Loretta, she has wonderful healing energy and has a natural talent in this field.” N. Kelly
Ayurvedic Home Cleansing / Weight Loss Programme / Panchakarma
Treats weight loss, cleansing, digestive disorders, bloating, overeating, poor eating habits, addictions and cravings and addictions (e.g. sugar, alcohol, coffee, smoking), low energy, skin conditions and much more to bring your health into balance holistically.
Following a full consultation, a 3-14 day detox maybe given involving a simple eating plan, massages, and cleansing of the small intestine and/or colon. These programmes, based on the Ayurvedic principles of panchakarma, will be personalised to suit your needs and health with foods, spices, herbal remedies and formulas suitable for your individual constitution and digestion. This helps to restore your inner balance and harmony, removing physical and emotional tension. You will be supported throughout, receiving free email and telephone support to keep you motivated while you take these simple steps to a new you.
Massages are recommended through this time to stimulate the digestion and further remove toxins from the digestive organs, liver, lymphatic system and deeper tissues.
*Priced accordingly following a consultation
Ayurveda is a Wonderful System
“Loretta’s expert consultation and tailor-made Panchakarma Detox plan meant I could comfortably achieve the cleansing and detoxifying programme whilst still working and feeling amazing throughout the two weeks – unlike a lot of other diet plans. The massage treatments – which feel amazing – helped me to relax and further cleanse my body as a whole. The valuable legacy of the Detox plan is that once you know the basic principles, you can continue to apply a healthy eating plan thereafter. In fact, my skin is still glowing, I lost weight and I generally feel much lighter and happier. Overall, Ayurveda is a wonderful system that makes sense and has given me much knowledge I can apply to my life.” M.Z
Loretta seeks to treat the body and mind together and has both experienced and delivered various detox combinations and fully understands and advocates the benefits of following the Ayurvedic route, especially one which has enabled her clients to incorporate a detox programme into their daily life that both rejuvenates the body and mind and cleanses without leaving them feeling exhausted and lacking in energy, clearing toxins to bring clarity and change.
Unlike fad diets, you are educated on the correct foods, lifestyle and eating patterns for you to follow post-detox, your self-awareness increases, and you feel empowered to follow a healthier way of eating, living and being.
Executive Detox / Rejuvenation / Retreat
Programmes, similar to the above but with Loretta visiting you in your own home daily to carry out the therapies. Contact Loretta for a personalised package to suit your needs or contact Lotus Journeys for offers on home packages.
“I’ve been seeing Loretta for massages for a few years now and had discussed more than a few times over the last couple of my wish to lose some weight and feel good about myself. She suggested the Panchakarma detox plan. I had a big summer holiday planned and wanted to lose 14lbs if I could. So off I went and had a consultation with Loretta, roughly two months before my holiday. It was a lot to take on board but actually when I started the detox itself, it was very straightforward. I felt amazing whilst detoxifying and never ever hungry. The best part of the programme are the massages, so amazing!. I’ve been re educated about my lifestyle and eating habits and am still practising the good habits she has taught me. I did manage to lose 10lbs on the programme in two weeks, which is incredible as I have a very slow metabolic rate. So my bikini body for Greece was well and truly flaunted!” Moira Chapman